Amington Parish Church

I think it can be summed up in two words: challenge and comfort.  It’s not a case of one or the other, it’s a case of both-and.  There are so many challenges set before us in this passage about following Jesus, and the depth of that following in our lives continue »

Amington Parish Church

As we consider the Christian people we know, they will be different ages, and have different outlooks and interests.  God doesn’t make us all the same, just as the disciples were not changed to be the same. continue »

Amington Parish Church

Perhaps Psalm 144:12 puts women in their rightful place. “May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown and our daughters like corner pillars cut for the building of a palace.” Today, let us honour all women whether mothers or not. continue »

Amington Parish Church

For John, the Samaritan woman represents a picture of the stereotypical outsider who, after her transformative encounter with Jesus, becomes not only an insider but also a leader.
She went back to Samaria publicly proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah to both men and women. continue »

Amington Parish Church

Do we want to see, are we willing to make, that effort to draw closer to God, whatever it looks like in your life – and that will probably be different for each one of us. Be inspired to do it by Peter’s words: “Lord it is good for us to be here”. continue »

Amington Parish Church

Where did you suddenly see the point of Jesus and further more we need both personally and as a church to look at  how we can help others ,who have not been so lucky as we have, to a realisation that Jesus is there for them as  their personal Saviour , whatever they might have done or maybe not done. continue »