Sing to the Lord, and praise him! Proclaim every day the good news that he has saved us (Psalm 96.2, GNB).

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Speak these words out loud:

By his power God raised Jesus from the dead,
and he will raise us also.

1 Corinthians 6.14 (NIV)

Today’s Proverb

Read the proverb through three or four times, slowly. Pause in-between, maybe write it out by hand – savour the words, let them speak deeply to you.

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. (NIV)

Human wisdom, brilliance, insight—they are of no help if the Lord is against you. (GNB)

Proverbs 21.30

Have you seen one of those films where the hero comes up against a really huge henchman, and they punch and kick but the henchman remains totally unmoved, and then swats them away like a fly?

I picture myself like that when I’m ranting and railing against God, when I’m deliberately ignoring him or insisting on doing something my way instead of his way – except instead of being swatted away like a fly, God wraps his huge arms around me and holds me close, and tight.

In the cold light of day, it’s obvious how ridiculous it is to try and go against God. We might as well try to hold back the tide, catch the wind, or stop ants getting in to the vicarage. But in the heat of the struggle, when it hurts and when the pain overwhelms us, it’s hard not to.

In one sense, there’s nothing wrong with it. The psalms are full of examples of people complaining and ranting to and about God. They teach us it’s ok to do that. But they also teach where we should end up: praising and submitting to the Almighty God we don’t understand, but who comes to us (in Jesus), and whom we can know.

Next time you find yourself trying to go toe-to-toe against God, maybe try using Psalm 13 to help you pray. It’s only six verses – but what verses!


Pray for Five – pray for your five friends / family from Thy Kingdom Come.

Our daily prayer sheet includes the names of everyone for whom we have a signed church family directory form – and local parishes and senior church leaders. Today we are praying for:

Kath Hastilow, Michael Ackroyd, Pauline Sawle

Father, please bless them with your peace, and a deep awareness of your presence with them, every day and in every way.

We also pray for: Marriages & Family Life

Please pray for our leaders and healthcare workers, and all those working to keep us safe, well, and fed. Please pray that people would unselfishly put others before themselves.

Church Family Prayer

Come Holy Spirit,
and make us one in heart and action,
so that we can serve God faithfully:
abounding in love,
maturing in holiness,
and seeking out the lost.
Help us grow as disciples of Jesus –
in commitment, in depth, and in number –
that we may be a blessing to Amington;
to the glory and praise of God the Father.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Closing Prayer

Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labour in vain.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
the only way to the Father.

Psalm 127.1, Hebrews 12.2 & John 14.6

May Christ our Saviour give us peace.