So today’s reading is on the face of it is cut and dried:

Give to Caesar what is his and to god what is his – end of story. A nice and simple instruction -You Wish!

As with all things we reading the Bible there is a lot more to it than that.

So what’s happening here?

First we have the religious authorities once more trying to catch Jesus out – well good look with that one! He knows all too well what they are up to. They don’t like people upsetting their privileged position – After all didn’t Moses say God had put them there for that?

So they ask ‘Should we give taxes to Rome or more precisely the pocket of Caesar?’

Seems there is a quick and easy answer to that. Although none of us I suspect likes paying taxes what an even bigger mess the country would be in if we didn’t and remember we give based on our income or ‘ ability to pay’

We know that this is not where the Pharisees are going with this. If Jesus was to say No, then they could single him out as a rebel against Rome and someone who could make the Romans even stricter in their rule. They might even be able to get him arrested and out of their hair.

If he says YES then he could be seen as a trouble maker again and a collaborator with the Romans.

As ever Jesus has a solution to the dilemma. Show me a coin he says , whose face is on it ? give him what is his and God what is his .

Now as I said this is a very simple instruction but is it really ?

We know for our PAYE  or Council tax bill etc. what we have to pay to the government to stay out of trouble , that’s the relatively easy part but what about God ?

What would you say is God’s?

I think we might all answer that question differently depending on our circumstances.

Giving to God is a much more difficult proposition than who do we pay Taxes to . the main issue I think is that there is so much giving in the opposite direction- the very fact that we are alive and more to the point here today tells me that we all feel something about God, not always necessarily good .

For me it does start with a grateful thanks that I am in fact still here and so I would want to show God that I really do appreciate that.

I find that that then begs the question ‘ God what do you want from me?’

The Pharisees thought that they knew the answer – obedience to the law of Moses; fasting , sacrifices etc. but they expected to be treated as special in return.

In Christian life today there are those who think that if they come to church on Sunday and ‘Make a Joyful noise to the Lord ‘ that is enough.

I however feel that there is more to it . Just like the Hebrews  being a Christian is a way of life – it’s about how we live everyday. When Jesus was here in person he didn’t confine his  attention to those who already knew God , he spent a lot of time among those who either didn’t know or didn’t have time for the Synagogue.

As it says in 1 Timothy ch 1 v5  ‘ Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners ‘ also at the end of Matthews Gospel we are told to go and make disciples of all people.

We say in our church family prayer that we should ‘seek out the lost’

This doesn’t mean we have to go door to door like a double glazing salesman but it does mean that wherever God gives us the opportunity to show others the example  of practical love that Jesus showed us , that’s what we should do.

Jesus didn’t lock himself away from the world and say ‘ I’m alright , never mind you’

We need to give some effort to doing what God wants of us , to go where HE wants us knowing he will be there with us .

Whether good or bad things happen we need to do as instructed in Philippians Ch 4 V4 ‘ rejoice in the Lord always ‘

If we are to give to God what is his we need first to know him in  our lives and then to learn where he wants us , which may not always be where we want to be .

So you say how do we do this – I have a simple answer . the same way you find out what your parents, spouse , partner etc.  want you to do – simply ask.

He will guide you and all you have to do is respond , in short when you pray ask ‘ so god what do you want me to do today? But always remember to listen to the answer – it might not be what you were expecting , it often isn’t . But be prepared to do it knowing that you are giving praise to God in doing it . you might be surprised where you end up.