
We celebrate and share the life of Jesus.

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This Week’s Services

Sunday 21 July 2024

Morning Service - Holy Communion
Evening Service - Holy Communion
  • Christenings & Weddings
  • We can offer Christening and Thanksgiving services, and also Weddings, Renewal of Vows and Blessing services to those with a connection to Amington Parish Church. To enquire, please get in touch.

  • Safeguarding
  • If you believe someone is at immediate risk of harm, please dial 999.

    If you have any current or historical Safeguarding concerns, please visit our Safeguarding page to get in touch with us, and to read our Safeguarding Policy.

    That page also has the details of the Church of England Birmingham’s Safeguarding Advisor, and National Helplines.

  • Latest News & Sermons

    News Sheet

    Click here to download the news sheet for Sunday 14 July 2024.

    Jeremiah 6 v16-21 Mark Ch 3 v28-35Sermons

    9 June 2024

    Let us strive for‘ the advancement of God’s Kingdom among those we meet in our everyday life and in those whom God’s sends into our care. continue »

    Putting faith into practiceSermons

    21 April 2024

    The risen Jesus is the cornerstone that was rejected but that there is no salvation we can find other than in what Jesus did for us and this is how we are saved . continue »

    So let us put our faith into practice continue »

  • Amington Parish Church – Following Jesus Together - Family Friendly Church in Tamworth

    We are the local Church of England family in Amington.

    Our motto is ‘following Jesus together‘, which means ‘getting to know Jesus better’ and ‘introducing others to Jesus’ – and doing all that together.

    Our mission is to share the good news about Jesus, serve our local community, and support one another on the journey.  We welcome everyone and anyone (though if you all come at once, we would run out of chairs!).

    We have a variety of activities, from the usual Sunday services (see here) to midweek groups that meet in people’s homes, outreach work and of course Christenings, weddings and funerals.

    If you’d like to find out more about what we do as a church family, click here, or if you have any questions get in touch.

    Located on The Green, the site where the church building (dedicated to St Editha) now stands has been a place of Christian worship for centuries.  The current church building was originally built as a chapel of ease in 1836, before being extended to its current size and consecrated as a church in 1864.  You can read more about the history of our church building here.