We have a team who are dedicated to encouraging everyone to ask for prayer for Wholeness for themselves and others. We all need the Lord’s Wholeness whether or not we are sick or consider ourselves healthy. Prayer for Healing is our ministry, and we ensure that we make ourselves available at all times to pray for anyone who asks us for themselves or others.
We are available at all services and can be identified by our “Prayer Team” badge. We offer prayer and laying on of hands at each 10.30am Holy Communion service, and also offer an evening service on the 2nd Monday of the month. This service will look at Wholeness & Healing ministry from a different perspective each month, and is lead by a team member. We sing, pray, listen, give thanks and offer prayer and laying on of hands for anyone who feels the need for this ministry.
We also encourage people to fill in a “prayer request slip” for themselves or others, and these names/situations will be prayed for by the prayer team and congregation for the coming month (if the person asking for prayer agrees to this), or just by the prayer team in confidence.
Urgent prayer requests are circulated by the team to each other, and if requested we will pray for the Lord’s Wholeness & Healing to come upon the person/situation for whom prayer has been asked, as group prayer , each day at the same time.