The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is made up of elected members, officials and ministers. Its purpose is (amongst other things):
co-operation with the minister in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish, the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.
Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 – see here for more details
From April 2019 our members are:
- Revd Ben Green (Vicar & Chair – ex officio)
- Carol Chadwick (Warden & Safeguarding Co-ordinator – elected to 2020)
- Geoff Wyatt (Warden & Vice Chair – elected to 2020)
- Sue Joyce (Reader – ex officio )
- Ray Skarratt (Reader – ex officio )
- Steve Robins (Deanery Synod Representative – elected to 2020)
- John Taylor (Deanery Synod Representative – elected to 2020)
- Janet Hine (elected to 2020)
- Catriona Paton (Treasurer – elected to 2022)
- Matthew Price (elected to 2020)
- Helen Slim (elected to 2021)
- Mark Widdas (elected to 2022)
- Janet Wyatt (elected to 2021)
At our annual meeting in April 2017 we decided to reduce the number of elected representatives from nine to six, to make the PCC a more appropriate size for our church.