This is what one of Jesus’ early followers said about the first Easter:
For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
Easter is the most important time in the year for Christians. We will be remembering the week before Jesus died, focusing on the meaning of his death, and then celebrating how he rose to new life – join us!
Maundy Thursday 29 March 2018
7.00pm Fish and Chip Supper with Holy Communion (Old School)
Let us know ASAP if you want to eat so we can order your food! There will be a simply celebration of Holy Communion as well.
Good Friday 30 March 2018
9.30am Tamworth Covenanting Churches Walk of Witness (meet at Ventura Retail Park, behind New Look)
Walk from the retail park to the centre of town with other local churches, followed by a joint service at 10.30am.
2.00pm Hour at the Cross (Church)
A quiet reflection on the meaning of Jesus’ death.
Easter Sunday 1 April 2018
10.30am Easter Celebration with Holy Communion (Church)
A family-friendly celebration of Jesus’ rising to new life.
6.30pm Easter Evening Prayer (Church)
A special sung evening prayer, according to the Book of Common Prayer.