This is what one of Jesus’ early followers said about the first Easter:
For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
Romans 5.10 (NIV)
Easter is the most important time in the year for Christians. We will be remembering the week before Jesus died, focusing on the meaning of his death, and then celebrating how he rose to new life – join us!
Holy Week
During Holy Week this year we will be journeying together through Mark 15, as we move towards the climax of Mark’s gospel – and our series Seeing Jesus – on Easter Sunday. Every day there will be a short service, with a reading from Mark 15 and a time for reflection and prayer.
Monday 15 April (Church)
7.30pm | Mark 15.1-5 | The Governor
Tuesday 16 April (Church)
7.30pm | Mark 15.6-15 | The Crowd
Wednesday 17 April (Church)
7.30pm | Mark 15.16-21 | The Soldiers
Thursday 18 April (Old School Hall)
7pm | Maundy Supper | Mark 15.22-32 | The Saviour
Friday 19 April (Church)
2-3pm | Hour at the Cross | Mark 15.33-41 | The Centurion
Saturday 20 April (Church)
7.30pm | Easter Vigil | Mark 15.42-47 | The Councillor
Easter Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)
A quiet and traditional service of holy communion, welcoming in Easter morning
10.30am Easter Celebration with Holy Communion
A lively and contemporary celebration of Easter
6.30pm Holy Communion
A traditional celebration of Easter with holy communion