If you missed the Christmas party yesterday, you really missed out!
The church was packed for most of the afternoon, as people wrestled with a cryptic quiz, drank (a lot of) mulled wine, enjoyed cups of tea and coffee, mince pies, cake, made Christmas centre pieces and Christmas cards, watched puppet shows, enjoyed the tombola and Knit & Natter stalls, and generally had a great time!
A huge thank you to everyone who came, and to those who worked so hard to put it on. It was a mammoth effort, and worth it.
If you missed it… we’ll be back next year! Perhaps you’d like to sign up for our weekly newsletter to make sure you don’t miss it… you can do that here.
Although the aim of the afternoon wasn’t to raise money, but to celebrate Christmas, we still raised over £300, which we’ll put towards the kitchenette appeal. Thank you for your generosity!