Allan is Reader Emeritus at St Editha’s Amington,

Amington Parish Church

Let us strive for‘ the advancement of God’s Kingdom among those we meet in our everyday life and in those whom God’s sends into our care. continue »

Amington Parish Church

The risen Jesus is the cornerstone that was rejected but that there is no salvation we can find other than in what Jesus did for us and this is how we are saved . continue »

So let us put our faith into practice continue »

Amington Parish Church

I want us to ask ourselves who is it that we need to help along the way ? who especially in this time of lent needs us and  can we put our own agendas aside to do something for them and ultimately for God ? continue »

If we take nothing else away from this reading let us look to do  better in trying to do the things that Jesus would have us do. continue »

Amington Parish Church

We need not to listen to the fads of the day but to listen closely to what Jesus is saying to us ; individually and as a church , a congregation of people chosen by God to grow his Kingdom in this place to carry on the race started 159 years ago and to make sure we pass the baton on to those who will do it after us. continue »

Amington Parish Church

We need to remember that we were once the crop to be harvested and thankfully we were brought into the Barn of God’s People continue »

Amington Parish Church

Where did you suddenly see the point of Jesus and further more we need both personally and as a church to look at  how we can help others ,who have not been so lucky as we have, to a realisation that Jesus is there for them as  their personal Saviour , whatever they might have done or maybe not done. continue »

Amington Parish Church

He will guide you and all you have to do is respond , in short when you pray ask ‘ so god what do you want me to do today? But always remember to listen to the answer – it might not be what you were expecting , it often isn’t continue »

Amington Parish Church

Joel goes on to say ‘ you will eat until you are satisfied.’ continue »